Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Give Yourself Permission to LIVE!

Have you ever wondered what you could accomplish if you simply gave yourself permission to do it? I mean, instead of listening to all the negative self-talk or what I like to call the "You're Toos (too old, too young, too fat, skinny, short, uneducated, etc.) what would happen if you just said TRICK IT and followed your passion? This is a question that I have been asking myself a lot lately. This blog is the first step on the ladder for me...and I'm not trying to look down.

As I look back on my career vs. my passion, I can rattle off a laundry list of reasons why I delayed doing what I feel I was meant to do with my life. Hell, I've had some SHIT go down in these 42years and it could be considered a small miracle that I'm still around. The more I think about it though, the more I realize that it is just fear and excuses...mainly fear which leads right back to the "You’re Toos". So the question is how do you kick the "You're Toos" to the curb and give yourself permission to LIVE?

For me it required a change in perception. I was listening to a Tony Robbins seminar and he spoke about the Pain and Pleasure Principal. The crux of the Principal is this: All human behavior is motivated my two things-seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Seems pretty simple right? NOT! I was finding pleasure in destructive habits and mind-sets, mainly because this was familiar territory due to my upbringing. When the time came to take a risk, branch out and step out into unfamiliar territory I would instantly freeze, the Pain Principle would set it and I would stop and eliminate the source of the Pain…even if it was a golden opportunity for growth. Thank God one day it finally hit me that my unfulfilled passion was MORE painful than the fear, doubts and the “You’re Toos”. From that moment I gave myself permission to LIVE my life and pursue my passion and make it my career.

So what about you? What is holding you back? Are you finding pleasure in the wrong things? What steps do you need to take to live your passion? Are you currently in a career that is not satisfying or allowing you to leave a footprint on our world?  What would happen if you just said TRICK IT and followed your passion? Hit me up and let me know.

***Special thanks to Kris Carr for the inspiration to write this blog***

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm here baby. I'm "tricking it" right NOW! It is amazing how we are strong, independent women or men yet when we are on the threshold of new and exciting opportunities we can not make the step into the unknown. Some say opening the door it hard - taking the step across the threshold is harder. Thanks again for your words of wisdom and encouraging us to move forward!